
Integrating Science and Social Studies into Language Arts

We have all been there at some point - a giant clock ticking away behind us as we stare at our lesson plans and standards, wondering how we will fit everything in! Meanwhile, instruction time continues to decrease for science and social studies. As a result, integrating science and social studies ... READ the POST

Cross-Curricular Read Alouds

As a teacher, I have developed some theories and observations about learning. Probably one of the things that lays my educational foundation is my belief that children – no make that people of all ages – learn best when the opportunities arise naturally in the course of everyday life. This idea led ... READ the POST

Who Has Time for Art???? Ideas for Incorporating Art in the Classroom

I love art projects!  I am crafty by nature and if time and teaching standards were no issue we'd do art all the time.  But alas, in the real world, my world, teaching standards (TEKSin Texas - very similar to Common Core standards in other states) control what I teach.  But also part ... READ the POST


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