
14 Awesome Books About Science for Read Alouds

I love how books can be a gateway to so many learning opportunities! As a teacher, one of the core beliefs that shape my educational foundation is that people of all ages, especially children, learn best when learning feels natural and arises in the flow of everyday life. That’s why I’m always ... READ the POST

Mastering Basic Math Facts Without Flash Cards

Did anyone enjoy learning basic math facts as a kid? Maybe you were one of the lucky ones that, as you passed your facts, you earned an ice cream party. Either way, it felt like endless hours of flashcards and that dreaded drill-and-kill style. Guess what? Fast forward 30 years, and as a teacher ... READ the POST

5 Fun Ideas to Teach Your Students How to Master Multiplication

I'll be the first to admit that there are some math concepts that make me wonder, "When will I ever use this again?" That's definitely not the case with multiplication. Knowing multiplication is one of those essential skills we use all the time in the real world. Isn't that what education is all ... READ the POST

Who Has Time for Art???? Ideas for Incorporating Art in the Classroom

I love art projects!  I am crafty by nature and if time and teaching standards were no issue we'd do art all the time.  But alas, in the real world, my world, teaching standards (TEKSin Texas - very similar to Common Core standards in other states) control what I teach.  But also part ... READ the POST


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