
100 Day Wrap-up

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So our 100th Day of School was Friday, February 1st.  I was sooooooo excited I could hardly stand it.  I have been planning and counting down since since the beginning, but really focusing on it since we returned to school in January.  Then Tuesday morning – BAM – just like a freight truck a sinus infection takes over and I am deteriorating quickly.  Even though I don’t usually go to the doctor when I first feel bad, I did, in part because I wanted to be feeling better by Friday!  So steroid shot and antibiotic and Friday comes and I still felt pretty lousy.  I was very thankful that I had already done my planning and copying for my 100th Day activities or some much of it might not have been done.

So here it goes, a brief – I’ll try (NOTE: not so brief) – wrap-up of our 100th Day of School!  I knew that for sure, no matter what, we were going to do the torn paper portraits of when we are 100.  I also suspected that my kids wouldn’t be able to fit it all in so we started earlier in the week tearing the skin colored paper and storing it in a baggie.  I probably could have done more in advance, but I didn’t.  Next year!

We started our morning off with our absolute favorite 100 song – I Can Count to 100!  The song is by Mark Pencil and the video by Harry Kindergarten.  If you haven’t found the Harry Kindergarten channel on You Tube, you must do so immediately!  We LOVE his videos and use them on a daily basis. 

After singing and counting to 100 we brainstormed what we knew about people that were 100 years old.  I got some great answers including very old, demonstrations of how they walk hunched over and cranky were amongst my favorites.  Then we looked at some pictures of elderly people that I gathered from google.  We talked about what they had in common.  Then I explained that they were going to create themselves at 100!  They giggled and laughed at that idea.  I showed them some pictures of our final torn paper portrait product.  Then we focused on step 1 – gluing on the face.  We had a schedule that was not so flexible in the morning so our goal was to finish this step. I let my kids glue in sections for this project (dot some glue, spread with finger, lay multiple pieces of paper at a time instead of one at a time).  I think it helps the final product because the paper layering is what gives the appearance of wrinkles.  Note: I did pre-cut the blue oval for the background and the patterned paper for the shirt.  I don’t usually do that but in the interest of time I decided to and I’m glad I did. 

About an hour into our day we had to break for 100th Day Rotations that we did with all the other kindergarten teachers.  Each class rotated to a new room for 20 minute center rotations.  Each teacher led 1 activity for 20 minutes – then repeated the same activity for each of the 5 kindergarten classes.  Through the rotations my students stamped 100 fingerprints, created a 100 fruit loop necklace, painted 100 spots on a ladybug, made a 100 crown, and took my challenge to stack 100 cups.

The cup stacking rotation was fantastic.  I had a total of 6 stacking areas in the room and divided the classes into groups of 2-4 students depending on the number of students in the class.  I issued the challenge to stack all 100 cups and demonstrated the basic stacking technique.  Then I let them go for about 15 minutes.  Here’s some cup stacking in action!

The kids loved it and I loved watching their problem solving in action!  Through the day I only had 4 groups that were able to successfully stack all 100 cups.  This will definitely come out occasionally in my classroom as a math center.

After rotations we went back to our 100 year old portraits.  Now we were ready to add some details.  We had a discussion about eyes, mouths, and hair.  I was even informed that I have gray hair like a 100 year old person.  I was only offended for a moment before I defended myself and replied “well, mine is not all gray – just little sections.”  πŸ™‚  We took trips to the mirror to look at our eyes and mouth then we started working.  We also talked about what a 100 year old person might wear for a picture.  We talked about jewelery and ties.  Then I just let the kids go.  I provide the paper they do the rest.  We worked on these for another 30-40 minutes until lunch time.  Total working time on this project about 1.5 hours, not including the paper tearing from earlier in the week.

After lunch we did another of our favorite 100 songs by Jack Hartmann . . .

This afternoon we did some 100 writing.  We finished the sentence “When I am 100 I will be . . .” and those were glued to the 100 portrait.  Here are some of the finished products:

When I am 100 I will be very old.

I love the curls she drew on the paper before cutting it into hair!

When I am 100 I will be a grandpa.

OK – this one reminds me of an actor for some movie
have seen.  Can someone help me figure out who
this is please?  It’s driving me crazy!!!

Totally love the 3D effect of the moustache
on this one.  The ends curl up just right! 

We also did our 100 poem.  Some of my favorites included 100 can eat 100 broccoli but not 100 spiders; I can lift 100 marshmallows but not 100 people; I want 100 cats but not 100 dogs.  I was surprised at how serious my kids were when completing this activity.  You can get your copy of this and more 100 days activities by clicking the picture below.

It was time for another grade level activity!  In the 2 weeks before the 100th Day, students were creating a 100 poster at home.  We had to show them off with a 100th Day parade.  All of the kindergarten and first grade classes paraded through the halls while the older students lined the halls and cheered us on. 

After the parade we headed back to our room for one final activity.  The kids had been asking about this all day long because I had given them “thinking homework” the night before.  We talked about what a Bucket List was.  The students wrote out their Before I am 100 Bucket List of things they wanted to see, be or do before they turned 100.  My plan is to put on the back of their 100 portraits before sending them home to the parents.  Once again, they surprised me with their thoughtfulness on this assignment.  Some of my favorite responses on the bucket list were: go where the penguins live, go to the beach, play in the snow, be a Mom, have a job, and drive a car.  But my all time favorite response was . . . kiss a girl!  Priceless!

OK – so maybe not so brief.  As I look back I realize we packed it in!  I think I felt so bad I didn’t realize everything we actually got done!  Next year, I will likely spread things out a little and have a 100’s week.  There were some activities that I didn’t get to that I really wanted to do – maybe next year!

If I had to pick a favorite – I’d have to say the portrait, no the bucket list, no the cup stacking.  Oh never mind – I can’t pick a favorite.  They were all fun!!!  What is your favorite 100th Day activity that I should add to my plans for next year???



  1. Miss Martin says

    The 100th Day looks like it was so much fun in your room! Thanks for sharing the 100 day download! I am going to love using this next year.

    I am so impressed that 4 groups were able to stack 100 cups as well. What a wonderful way to not only help them understand the concept of how much 100 is, but also to work on those motor skills! Your blog is so darn cute! I will be following you so that I can see what your kiddos get to do next!

    ~Miss Martin
    Miss Martin’s Classroom

  2. Miss Martin says

    The 100th Day looks like it was so much fun in your room! Thanks for sharing the 100 day download! I am going to love using this next year.

    I am so impressed that 4 groups were able to stack 100 cups as well. What a wonderful way to not only help them understand the concept of how much 100 is, but also to work on those motor skills! Your blog is so darn cute! I will be following you so that I can see what your kiddos get to do next!

    ~Miss Martin
    Miss Martin’s Classroom

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